Tuesday 14 August 2018

The future of Jersey’s Charities Sector ....an opinion

I had a really interesting meeting with someone today and was challenged to outline my thinking for the future of the Charities Sector. These are my thoughts. They aren’t necessarily right ( or endorsed by any of the organisations mentions). I am however genuinely interest in challenge and feedback.

So here goes….


This is going through a lot of change both in terms of the committee and in response to the new Charities Law. If you see the website you’ll see a lot about services (eg training, notices, workshops) and functions (eg grant allocation from Lottery funds). I believe the next 24 months will bring a change in strategy and structure as the AJC seek to serve a broader audience in a period of significant change and I am keen to work with the AJC to help them through that period of change.

I would commend you to look at the AJC website, the Charities Commissioner website and the Charities Law to get a big picture view. I would also encourage you to promote the AJC grant application process to any great initiatives and good causes.



I am interested in macro-economic thinking and policy. How can government use funds and policy to serve the community as a whole? This doubtless might consider the relationship between government and the voluntary sector. For example joined-up health care between government, business and the voluntary sector. I believe as government downsizes and outsources there are challenges and opportunities that need to be considered and change that needs to be managed. I am keen to work with the JPF to help them through that period of change.



I believe that there are skills, resources, talent and funding that can be used more effectively be collaboration and co-ordination between businesses and the voluntary sector. I think the charity sector is fragmented and there must be benefits that can be realised by working together on common interests. I believe working with IoD and Chamber of Commerce can advantage both businesses and the voluntary sector when looking at how we may make more effective use of people, process and technology.


Change doesn’t happen quickly and I think the sector is going through evolution rather than revolution. We need however to “keep the show on the road” and continue “business as usual” whilst we also think about the needs, challenges and opportunities 5, 10 maybe 15 years ahead.

If you really want “future” thinking, perhaps think about how Google, Microsoft or AI could benefit the Charities Sector (£80m turn-over, 11,000 people and 535 organisations). What thinking, tasks and conversations are necessary now to prepare for the future?


I think we need to be practical (tasks) as well as theoretical (policies). Take for example grants and grant funding. There are some quick-wins that we can do in the next 3-6 months and some things that take longer.

Example: Grant Funding

There are some quick-wins that we can do in the next 3-6 months to greatly improve the grant application process. But there are also big opportunities to examine how we distribute funding across the voluntary sector and how we measure impact and value for money. This necessarily may take a little longer.

Example: Website

There are some quick-wins that we can do in the next 3-6 months to greatly improve the website look and feel. But there are also big opportunities to examine what charities need and how we can use technologies (not just website) to better serve the whole charity community.

If you really want “big” thinking, perhaps think about how we have a full integrated, compatible, secure interconnected sector working seamlessly together for the benefit of all. What thinking, tasks and conversations are necessary to imagine big and deliver?


If you have an opinion, talent or contribution to make please get in touch.

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